Area WELCA women have been invited to attend our annual potluck on Thursday, August 18th at 12 noon.  Meat will be provided and our ladies are to bring two dishes of salads/vegetables.  The visiting churches will bring each a dessert.  Interim Pastor Sauter will lead the Bible Study “The Ministry of Reconciliation” 2 Corinthians 5:17-19.  A free will offering will be taken and sent to the Katie’s Fund.  Through Katie’s Fund, women of the ELCA honor her life by supporting global connections, leadership development and living theology.  There is a sign up sheet in the narthex for Immanuel ladies.

Mission Action Sewing ladies will be meeting on Wednesdays, August 10th and August 24th at 8:30 a.m.  Please join m at 8:30 a.m. until noon or part of the morning.  It is a time of fellowship in preparing quilts and lap robes for those in need and much appreciated.

The 28th annual convention of the Northern Illinois Synod Women of the ELCA will be held on Saturday, September 17th at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Yorkville.  A $35 registration fee is due on August 17th.  More details on the table in the narthex.

Posted in News.