Abounding love of God to you today and always!!!

Thank you for your on-going participation in the mission and ministry of Immanuel!  How you live, serve and give directly impacts others!

As we prepare for Advent and Christmas I have been pondering the   bounty in each day.  Do you ever get caught up in busyness of the holidays or making sure to obtain just the right gift for others or wanting to throw the perfect party? Do you ever lose sight of knowing Christ more at Christmas?  Do you ever get caught up in gifts and parties and forget what we are really celebrating?  God help me, I can.

At Christmas we celebrate the gift of Emmanuel, God with us!  God with us as we work, study, play and rest.  God with us in our hope and despair.  Emmanuel, God, really is with us!

I am hoping and praying that a sense of God’s presence in your daily life is renewed daily, that you may know more of Christ this Christmas!

Prayer:  God, thank you for never leaving us.  Thank you for the gift of Emmanuel, God with us, Jesus!  We want to know You more this Christmas; help us O God.  Amen.

A blessed Advent and Merry Christmas to you!  —Pastor Bree Truax

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815-625-3575 office, 360-989-4906 cell


Posted in Pastor.