Mutual Ministry Committee Update

The mutual ministry committee launched in September of this year and met for a second time in November. This committee is defined in Immanuel’s constitution and can be found on the ministry wheel under Support Ministry.  Committee members are Pastor Bree, Gail Etheridge, Kris Sandrock, April Roth, Jeff Scanlan, Sheryl Wagner and Deb Keaschall.  The next meeting is scheduled for January 14, 2019.

Our synod describes mutual ministry as an “energizing activity that encourages partnership in ministry between the congregation and the rostered leader.”  Simply, ministry is the calling of all the baptized; it is mutual in the sense of being shared, working together toward a common goal.

A ministry “task” of the committee is that of scanning life within the congregation, our neighborhood and larger community for ministry opportunities.  We look to scripture to gain a sense of where God may be leading Immanuel.  The committee is a “place” to gather feedback and a sounding board for new ideas.

As we listen and learn from each other, and discuss potential for ministry and opportunities for outreach, we ask God to fill us with hope and joyful anticipation for the future.  Please join us in our hope and prayer.

Deb Keaschall,  Mutual Ministry Chair


Posted in News.