Council Highlights – January 9, 2017

  1. Carpet renovation is to be completed no later than April 1 to be in place for Easter.  Donations to the Carpet Fund may be made at any time;  $1,290 already has been collected as of this date.
  1. Annual performance evaluations of secretarial, custodial, and music staff will be completed by Executive Committee prior to the Annual Congregational Meeting.
  1. Name badges will be available for worship services  as soon as the badges have been printed and the display rack has been constructed in the cloak room area.
  1. Monique Castillo is organizing a Vendor Fair here at Immanuel of which all profit will be donated to support Samaritan Fund.  Possible date is February 5.
  1. A Wedding Guidelines and Building Use Policy was approved.  A copy will be posted.
  1. In case of inclement weather conditions, community news media and social media (Facebook and Immanuel website) will be used to announce a cancellation.  In addition, Council members will be responsible to make phone calls to all members of the congregations.  Please check your phone number for accuracy on the list on table in Narthex.

Betty Clementz

Council Secretary


Posted in News.