Memorial Gifts

We dedicate the following items to the glory of God in loving memory of the following people:

· 65” Smart TV for Luther Room All Saints of Immanuel

· Two adjustable height long tables for the Social Hall Boots Spencer

· Downstairs ladies room repairs/updates to make handicapped accessible Laura Crawford

· Fiscal donation for WELCA Gwen Fritsch

· New oil candles for candelabras Jack Kereven

· Drywall repair in the stairwell and basement men’s room, 2 LED  lights for balcony Sunday School room, blinds for Bell Choir room Larry & Marian Zink

· Nine LED lights for stairwell Duane Nielsen

· Paint rim around front doors, install electrical outlets in balcony Sunday school room, 3 LED lights for nursery room, paint office work room ceiling Ruth Eden

· Painting of stairwells and hallways from basement to 3rd floor,  3rd floor wall by movie room, East basement men’s room Marj Dietz, Cherry Ebenezer, Donna Smith

· Roof repair over office work room and install ice water barrier from roof valley to end of the offices, paint entry by front cement stairs Allen Hendryx, Donna Smith, All Saints of Immanuel

· $10,000 for Perpetual ministry, $2,000 for WELCA quilting supplies, $2,000 for worship music needs, $5,000 for roof fund, $500 for church library resourcesRon Hagerman

Thank you for your generous gifts in honor and memory of loved ones.

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