Church Women United World Day of Prayer will be held at First Christian Church, 506 5th Ave.,Rock Falls on Friday, April 5, 2019 with dessert at 12:30 p.m. The program “Come-Everything Is Ready” prepared by the World Day of Prayer Committee of Suriname will be begin at 1:00 p.m. Please come and join us! […]
Read moreMonthly Archives: March 2019
Usher Training on April 7
Whether you have ushered before or would like to for the first time, please participate in the ushers training April 7th after worship. We welcome men, women, youth and families to sign up to hand out bulletins, greet, various duties. You can signup to usher on the table in front of the office. Please consider […]
Read moreOffering Envelopes
You will find two offering envelopes in your offering packet for Sunday, April 21. The red border envelope is designated for Easter and will be sent to the Northern Illinois Synod for benevolence. The other offering envelope is the regular offering, and it will stay at Immanuel. Thank you.
Read moreShare Your Plans!
We are in the process of compiling our congregational yearly calendar of events so that no dates get double booked. If you have any dates for the church calendar, please reach out to the portion of the ministry wheel that your event applies to and let them know what’s going on prior to the April […]
Read moreWomen of all ages
Women of all ages: daughters, mothers, sisters and friends make plans to join us for a delightful evening of sharing life and God’s love together! May 7th at 6:30 p.m. all women are invited to gather in the Fellowship Hall at Immanuel for a special time of fellowship. Please bring your own table service, meat […]
Read moreWomen of the ELCA – WELCA OF IMMANUEL – April 2019
WELCA served 24 attendees at the Ash Wednesday luncheon. Mission Action Sewing Servants will be meeting on Wednesdays, April 10th and April 24th from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Plan on joining this group involved in many projects which do not require sewing. Contact Violet Mead if you would like to work on a project […]
Read moreTri Church, God’s Work Our Hands, & a New Twist
Please mark your calendar for God’s Work Our Hands SATURDAY. Yes, Saturday, June 1st at LOMC (Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center) near Oregon, IL. Rather than a hot Sunday in August and several project locations, we will gather at LOMC for worship and a work day (lunch, too). There will be something for everyone – gardeners, […]
Many American churches are resurrecting an old Easter custom begun by the Greeks in the early centuries of Christianity—“Holy Humor Sunday!” For centuries in Eastern Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant countries, the week following Easter Sunday, was observed by the faithful as “days of joy and laughter” with parties and picnics to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Churchgoers […]
Read moreTo the Tri Church Hosts in Sterling, IL,
Thank you so much for bringing Nordic Choir to town and for all of the gracious hospitality. It was simply thrilling to perform in front of a hometown crowd who was closely connected to 2 of our singers. We had a delightful experience singing for the community – and the potluck was AMAZING! Thank you, […]
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