Council Highlights – October 9, 2017

  1. A water cooler of some sort being investigated for third floor for middle and high school students.
  2. Pastor Bree will bring an updated version of the wedding ceremony policy for council review next month. Anyone interested in sharing their input is welcome to contact Pastor Bree.
  3. Overgrown bushes in front of church will be removed for new landscaping this fall. Removal of the bushes addresses safety concerns for our facility.
  4. A Stewardship Plan approved and includes Time and Talent commitments.
  5. There will be a special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, October 22, 2017 immediately after worship to approve changes in Constitution and Bylaws;  copies are available in the Narthex for checkout by members.
  6. Council approved Thursday evening worship will be changed from 6:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. upon request of attending members.


Betty Clementz

Council Secretary


Posted in News.