Bouquets of Hope; a Tri Church Fundraiser for Rock River Hospice & Home!

Thanks for supporting Bouquets of Hope; a Tri Church Fundraiser for Rock River Hospice & Home!

 There’s much to celebrate following the April 25th fundraising event for Rock River Hospice & Home.  First of all, the goal of raising $16,000 for six patient/family recliners for the new Hospice Home was not only met, but exceeded as $19,550 was presented to Rock River Hospice & Home. Thanks be to God!

Second, this event showcased the mission of Tri Church:  United in Jesus’ love, we learn, serve and grow through faith and action.  Together, we rolled up our sleeves, discovered a variety of talents, gave of our time and served joyfully.  Thanks to our church members for their musical talents, donations of food, desserts, cash and auction items, the expenses were minimal.  What great stewardship!  Plus, the Thrivent Choice Dollars directed to Bouquets of Hope were a huge “jumpstart” toward the goal.  Thanks, too, for the encouragement and participation of Pastors Bree, Jacob and Brandon and for the assistance of our Confirmation students.

Next, many of our church members showed their support by attending the event and bidding on items for which we say thank you.  The greater community witnessed “God’s Work, Our Hands” as ELCA Lutherans in many ways.  What a pleasant evening for a great cause!

Lastly, this was an opportunity to show our gratitude for Rock River Hospice and their new Hospice Home – what a blessing for our community.  Several Rock River Hospice staff attended the event and reconnected with some of the families they served and also answered questions about the Hospice Home.  While raising funds was the main goal, the “ripple” effect from this event will never be fully known.

In Gratitude,

Carla Haubrich, Nancy Breed, Lois Rowzee, Denise Norman, Larry Cooper, Brian Luebke, Pam Machan, Libby Schrader, Greg Zeigler, Betty Clementz, and Deb Keaschall


Posted in News.