Molly Hackbarth, daughter of Stacey & Paul Hackbarth My name is Molly. I attend Rock Falls High School and I am in the 9th grade. I live with my Dad, Mom, Sister Kayla and our cat Sox. In my free time in like to spend time with my friends and family, participate in cheerleading, being with the band, doing crafts, and shopping. I believe God loves us anytime of our lives and is always with us. There is never a time where God is not with us. God is the creator of our universe. I have always wondered, what made God make the world the way it is? Why did God make you, you? Why did God choose to make me, me? I really hope we will all feel loved by God. I think God’s grace truly saves us in faith and in the real world wherever we are at. I am beyond thankful for my family and friends, school and my teachers, food, shelter, my community, church, activities at school, and anything else in my life. When I feel close to God most when we are in church signing a hymn, and when I am surrounded my friends at a youth convention. When I know God loves me it affects my life by helping me remember I am never alone and I am ENOUGH, which I learned at the 2019 Unite service camp. Living out my faith, is sometimes tough. I live out my faith by not being ashamed, especially at school. I can wear my faith shirt to school and get about 5 questions asked about it (not always nice ones), it does not stop me. My confirmation Bible verse is Eph. 2:8. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, for it is not your own doing, it is a gift of God.” I chose this verse because it has made the biggest impact on my life. I have learned about it twice now at the NYG event in 2018 and Unite service camp. Someone who has really influenced my faith is Gabe Kasper; he was the first person to help me truly understand the importance of the gospel. I have learned the most about God through my Sunday school teachers. One of my favorite Immanuel memories is playing massive games of hide and seek that would last forever. If I could meet someone from the Bible, I choose Esther because she was a very bold and powerful woman and everyone, including the guys, could learn from her.