Abounding love and grace of Christ to you! Oh how I miss being able to see you, share time and worship in person together! Although it is difficult to be physically distanced from each other, we are united in God’s abounding, love and presence.
Today and everyday ALL of us have the opportunity to lean into our baptismal promises—trusting and enjoying God’s love and grace and welcoming God’s call on us to love God, ourselves and others through words and actions. Thank you for your faithful partnership in the gospel!
Whether you are doing essential work, or essential things or sheltering in place, God is with you! Whether it feels like it or nor, you are never alone.
—Pastor Bree Truax
815-625-3575, cell: 360-989-4906l
Prayer of the month: O God, awaken us to your presence daily. Help us to welcome your love and orientate our lives in your abiding love and presence. We need you, O God. Guide and protect all medical personnel, essential workers and leaders. Bring healing and wholeness to the sick and comfort to all who mourn. Bring forth employment for all who seek work. Grant all of humanity courage to face the day with a sense of your presence and love. Help us to serve and give as we are able that all may be feed, clothed and cared for. Amen.