Due to Phase 4, Tier 1 COVID-19 Mitigations meetings for more than 25 people are not permitted. Our constitution requires a yearly Annual Meeting. In conjunction with Northern Illinois Synod guidance, the Council has been working hard to develop a way for all voting members* to participate in the Annual Meeting. You can participate in our 2021 Annual Meeting on January 31 over the phone, online or in person (with reservations, distanced and masked). The Gathering time for the meeting is 10 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 10:15 a.m. The Annual Report was emailed to all with email and mailed to all without email. Paper copies will also be available at Immanuel.
A ballot for the 2021 Annual Meeting was mailed in the newsletter. If you have additional voting members in your household, you can pick up additional ballots at Immanuel or request them to be mailed to you. You must attend the Annual Meeting online, over the phone or in person in order to vote.
*As per our constitution, voting members are confirmed members who have communed & made a contribution of record in the current or preceding calendar year.
Voting members need to attend the Annual Meeting online, over the phone or in person & turn in their completed ballot to Immanuel within 2 hours of the completion of the meeting. Voting members need to be present when their ballot is turned in. Drive thru drop off will be available. If there are four ballots arriving in one car then there needs to be the corresponding voting members in the car for the ballot to be valid. If you need additional ballots for your household or have any questions please contact the church office at 815-625-3575.