New Name Badges Arrive at Immanuel
Have you taken notice of the name badges on lanyards every member of the congregation is to wear during worship? If you are a members of Immanuel, there is a name badge waiting for you. The badges are housed alphabetically by last name on a peg board on the wall facing the coat rack in the main cloak room in the Narthex.
When you enter for worship, please take your name badge and wear it during worship. During Sign of Peace, it will help those around you to know who you are and who they are. AND. if there is a guest in your area, anyone without a lanyard and name badge is most likely someone we want to make especially feel welcome. So introduce yourself to that person and invite them to return to worship with us again. How easy it will be for our new pastor to be able to call you by name immediately when we are successful in our call ! This new procedure will be ‘old hat’ in a month.
Just remember when you leave worship to replace your lanyard on the alphabetical peg of your last name. Until it becomes a habit for each of us, reminders will be given.