1. Council voted use the $500 budgeted for UNITE service camp, which was cancelled for this year, to support the Rock River Christian Center Food Bank (RRCCFB). The RRCFB distributes food to around 150 households each Friday.
2. We give thanks for all who are continuing to support the mission and ministry of Immanuel. People’s generous support allows Immanuel to continue to serve God and others.
3. St John’s is extending Gerad VonHolten’s Youth & Family Ministry Agreement for another 6 months. Council voted to continue current agreement for additional 6 months and to transfer $1,000 from confirmation camps to pay for the youth director salary for remainder 6 months that wasn’t previously budgeted.
4. Council approved for the renter to put up a hammock and portable basketball hoop to the property.
5. Next meeting June 1, 2020, 6:30 p.m. Zoom.
Council Highlights from Zoom meeting – May 11, 2029
1. Council discussed PPP loans and whether we should pursue an application.
2. The motion to NOT Pursue the PPP Loan failed, so the treasurer will proceed with the application process with the majority of the Council’s permission.
Stacey Hackbarth, Council Secretary