As I sit here this morning at home, due to our organization reducing travel to only “essential”, I was reminded of a recent passage that Pastor gave a message on. Matthew 6:25-34 reminds us “do not worry” and in times like these we are challenged to not worry.
There is a clear difference though between worry and concern. We should be concerned about the elderly, those who may have compromised immune systems, health care workers, etc. We should be concerned that this will affect people that we come into contact with every day that may not have the ability to sustain food on the table, drugs for health conditions, housing for their families. We should be concerned that we may be a carrier of this virus, that we may spread it unknowingly to others. We can deal with our concerns by following CDC guidelines, practicing good hygiene, and more importantly praying and knowing that God will guide us through this.
Let us listen to what Jesus is telling us. “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life” Matt. 6: 27 rings true now more then ever. We need not be paralyzed by fear… we can turn to God in our fear. I heard an interesting note this morning… the phrase “do not be afraid” or “be not afraid” occurs 365 times throughout the Old and New Testaments. Do you think that this is a coincidence? Probably not… just a reminder that we need not be afraid 365 days a year. We can trust in God! -Kevin Arnold
Kevin and Teri Arnold officially joined Immanuel in January. Kevin is serving on council, completing an open term. Thanks be to God!