05/15/11 Austin Ryan Petty, son of Valerie and Ryan Petty
Read more→Honor Graduates
We will be honoring 8th grade, high school and college graduates this Sunday, May 15 during the worship service. They will be asked to come forward to receive a certificate and a small gift.
Read more→Sharing Sorrow
Howard (Mike) Garman died April 27th. Funeral service was held at Immanuel on May 3, 2011. We pray for God’s comfort to sustain his family in their time of grief.
Read more→30th Anniversary Celebration
Pastor Henrietta Milner’s OrdinationOn Sunday, May 22, 2011, we will honor Pastor Hank on her 30th anniversary of her ordination. There will be many activities during the service, and then we hope that you stay for an Open House and an old fashion Immanuel Pot Luck Dinner following church service. We can not tell you […]
Read more→Narthex Neighbors Needed
Narthex Neighbors: Volunteers are needed to greet at the top of the stairs by the narthex. Please call the church office if you are interested.
Read more→Door Managers Needed
Door Managers: Volunteers (middle school through adult) are needed 15 minutes prior to each service by the narthex glass doors. Responsibilities include opening the door and greeting everyone, assisting the elderly and parents with small children, and helping at the curb, if needed. Please call the church office if you are interested.
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