Trick or Treat UNICEF

Trick or treat UNICEF collection will be received on Sunday, October 22nd after worship serviceYouth collecting for UNICEF may wear their Halloween costume or favorite team jersey.  UNICEF was established on December 11, 1946 by the United Nations to meet the emergency needs of  children in post-war Europe and China.  UNICEF is the United Nations  International Children’s Emergency Fund.  For 70 years, across 190 countries and territories, UNICEF defends the rights of every child.   In cooperation with governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), UNICEF saves and protects the world’s most vulnerable children, working to ensure child rights and providing health care, immunizations, nutrition, access to safe water and sanitation services, basic education, protection and emergency relief.  You can learn more about UNICEF at  Please give as you able.


Posted in Youth.