In Mark 13:24-37 Jesus commends us to keep awake! We find these exact words in verses 35 & 37 and the message iterated through out.
Ever find yourself asleep to the world around you?
How easy it is to slumber through life… numb oneself… to avoid pain… Yet, Jesus called the disciples then and calls us today to… keep awake! As I ponder what it means to “keep awake” it occurs to me that part of being awake is being Aware of the World Around us, for God’s Kingdom is Everywhere! May God grant us eyes to see and ears to hear the needs around us.
May God grow us as people after God’s heart that we would be keenly Aware of the World Around us, for God’s Kingdom is Everywhere; that we would respond to others in need as best as we are able, that we’d enjoy God’s abounding love and share it with others through word and deed. May it indeed be so!
Thank you for your on-going partnership in the Gospel! You matter! You are beloved to God and to me!
Pastor Bree Truax
cell: 360-989-4906