I can hardly believe that this month marks a year of being in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. A year ago this month (March 15, 2020) we worshiped God together celebrating the baptism of Ryan & Brant Arquilla. Illinois schools stopped meeting in person two days later. The very next Sunday, March 22, 2020, we were worshiping online with Tri Church congregations. I weep in the remembering and writing of this… I weep over the separation of loved ones, opportunities altered and cancelled… I weep over the sacrifices essential workers and others have and are making as we continue to find a path forward. I weep over the more than 2.4 million people who have died worldwide, with nearly 500,000 in Illinois alone. I weep over my own lack of comprehension of so much loss; over the apathy in myself and in others. I weep & I remember that “Jesus wept” (Jn 11:35, NIV). You are not alone in your feelings and experiences. God is with us no matter what comes. May God awaken us to God’s presence in the midst of reality. May God guide us.
Pastor Bree Truax
[email protected] cell: 360-989-4906