THANK YOU for donating items for the Buddy Bag Program! This fall the Buddy Bag program is distributing 133 Buddy Bags between six different schools. THANK YOU for making this possible!
Immanuel has learned that the Buddy Bag program currently reaches kids in the Sterling School District.
Immanuel is exploring the possibility of offering a Buddy Bag Program to kids in Rock Falls Schools. There are MANY steps that need to be taken in order for this to happen which include but are not limited to: permission from the Rock Falls School District, coordination with specific schools, space at Immanuel to store food and prepare the bags, funding for Buddy Bags, donations for Buddy Bags, volunteers for Buddy Bags, etc. PLEASE join the Service Ministry portion of the Ministry Wheel in prayerfully considering this possibility. If you would like to be a part of bringing Buddy Bags to Rock Falls, please contact Pastor or Virginia Schutz or Bonnie Cassens.